Title: Lesser Prairie Chicken Festival
Location: Woodward, Oklahoma
Link out: Click here
Description: The 2012 Lesser Prairie-Chicken festival will feature keynote speaker ABA President Jeff Gordon and workshops with featured artist Jan Martin McGuire and Noppadol Paothong.
Besides seeing the Lesser Prairie-Chickens (and so far 100% of participants have had close looks!) and birding around northwest Oklahoma, you will have:
- An opportunity to view Greater Prairie-Chickens from blinds in Osage County, Oklahoma!
- Packages designed specifically for photographers!
- Workshops with renowned photographer Noppadol Paothong!
Check out the schedule of events, field trips, bird lists, registration materials, etc. on the rest of this web site.
If you have any question, feel free to contact John Kennington at 918-809-6325 or [email protected]
Start Date: 2012-04-26
End Date: 2012-05-02