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“Bird Man”

“Bird Man”

Columbia Daily Tribune published a good article about me as a photographer and my journey for the sage-grouse book project - "Bird man: Photographer captures bigger picture of one species." I think the reporter did a great job in making me sound...

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National Audubon Pop Up Gallery

National Audubon Pop Up Gallery

It's an honor to have my sage-grouse image from my upcoming book be part of the National Audubon's exhibit, "Audubon x Climate Pop Up Gallery," in New York (August 14 to August 20). This week-long event will feature a collection of multimedia pieces that tell the...

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Winter and Sage-Grouse

Wintertime in the High Desert is harsh for most wildlife. Animals such as pronghorn antelope or mule deer spend a lot of energy constantly looking for food; harsh weather, with few choices for shelter, makes...

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Chicken Dance – Celebration of Life

During my trip in Wyoming I had a privilege to meet with and photograph an award-winning Native American dancer, Levon Big Knife. Levon is Chippewa-Cree and Shoshone (tribes based on western states such as Montana and Wyoming) and has been...

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