One of the most endangered species, Gunnison Sage-grouse
With all grassland grouse I’ve photographed, Gunnison Sage-grouse are by the far the most difficult to work with. They are unpredictable and constantly wary of intruders. Unlike other grouse, when they are spooked by something, Gunnison Sage-grouse won’t return until...
In the rough terrace of the Western Oklahoma live Lesser Prairie Chicken
Over the years of photographing the birds, I’ve come to appreciate the rough terrain of the open country in the western Oklahoma panhandle where Lesser Prairie Chickens live. Sue, who has become a good friend over the years, has a large flock of Lesser Prairie...
3-Week’s Journey …
For some time I’d been wanting to shoot additional images I felt needed to tell a better story of the birds, including habitat images and environmental issues. So, on March 28, I embarked a 3-week trip (20 days to be exact - the path indicated by the blue line on the...
Attwater’s Prairie Chicken – Trip to Texas
It has been six years since I visited the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. Although I was able to get quality images six years ago, I felt that they were not strong enough to represent this species in extreme danger of extinction. My goal...