May 28, 2014 | General, Save the Last Dance
The issue of grassland grouse was brought up again in Washington DC as Congressional Republicans hope to block federal protection of these birds. The argument is that this protection will hurt energy expansion. Their plan is to prevent US Fish and Wildlife from...
Apr 1, 2014 | General, Lesser Prairie Chicken
First time I saw the Lesser Prairie-Chicken was in 2003 in western Oklahoma. Even back then I was aware that their population was in a sharp decline. A few years later a massive wind farm operation was expanded in the region and destroyed much of their historic leks...
Feb 2, 2014 | General, Photoshooting
Winter creates unique photo opportunities for wildlife and nature photography. But extreme weather makes outdoor photography challenging, to say mildly. Countless time, I’ve seen people who aren’t dressed adequately for cold weather. Consequently, they usually can’t...